Clairoux Project

TYPE OF BUSINESS Office space LOCATION Montreal, Quebec, Canada RENOVATION DATE 2021 Our designers work in a calm, inspiring and harmonious setting. Neutral and casual, our workspace features colour and texture, incorporating inspiration and project sketches to stimulate our team. Understated Design for a Creative and Dynamic Ambiance Our studio comes to life with each […]

Rideau University Residence

TYPE OF BUSINESS University Residence LOCATION Ottawa, Ontario, Canada RENOVATION DATE 2017 Our design of the Rideau University Residence at the University of Ottawa in Ontario was a real challenge for our firm.. We were tasked with transforming an old hotel into a superb student residence.. We had to keep a large part of the […]

Place Carmin Project

Our designers created a gourmet location for French restaurant Place Carmin in the International District. Frédric Clairoux, lead interior designer at Clairoux, was responsible for designing and furnishing a classic dining area, corporate dining room, bar and terrace.